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Your Life

Stay updated on important topics for Financial Education and Wellness Month

This April, celebrate Financial Education and Wellness Month with Atlantic Union Bank (AUB)! Throughout the year, we strive to make sure our customers are informed about the best ways to manage their finances and feel confident going into the future. It’s a good idea to take a moment in April to take stock of your financial health and how you are managing your money.

At AUB, we offer a lot of resources for people to educate themselves about their finances. We know that it can be confusing to understand the best way to manage your money, and we want to empower our customers to make the best decisions for their unique situations.

We partner with Banzai to provide resources on a variety of financial topics. We also offer resources for those looking to make sure they’re prepared for retirement. There are also resources to help people build their credit and make a budget.

Have questions about how mortgages work or what it means to be pre-approved? You can review a specific page full of resources for people looking to buy a home. We’ve got you covered!

It’s important to keep track of your finance year-round, but it can be hard to stay focused when life gets in the way. That’s why observing Financial Education and Wellness Month in April can be a good moment to check-in about your finances and make sure they’re on track.

Come in and talk to one of our financial experts for top-notch guidance on all of your financial questions. We’d love to see you!

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