We are pleased to share that our merger with Sandy Spring Bank has received all necessary shareholder and regulatory approvals. For more information, click here.

Cash Vault Services

Safely and Efficiently Move Money

Helping your business move money is another way we make banking easier.

We have coordinated with a leader in cash logistics to offer you a better way to manage your coin and currency inventory—right from your location.

Our Cash Vault Service allows you to safely move your deposits or orders with your armored courier to and from a secure vault.

Benefits to Your Business:

  • Minimizes the risk associated with delivering deposits to the bank yourself.
  • Convenience of scheduling regular pickup and delivery orders.
  • Coin or currency orders can be made via online or by setting up standard order deliveries.
  • Improves efficiencies and productivity by automating your cash management process and eliminating time out of the office.

To learn more about our Cash Vault Services, complete the Contact a Relationship Manager form.

Expect more from your business banking partner.

Our hands-on style provides more than a banking relationship. It offers a personal relationship dedicated to your business’ success. Please provide the information below and a Relationship Manager will show you exactly that.

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